starting symbol

英 [ˈstɑːtɪŋ ˈsɪmbl] 美 [ˈstɑːrtɪŋ ˈsɪmbl]

网络  起始符; 开始符号; 起始符号



  1. The convention used here is to name the conjugate the same as the service specification, except starting with a~. ( tilde symbol).
  2. Along with the development of children's TV program and the arrival of information society, the television news of children is more and more important. Starting broadcasting the television news of children has already become an important symbol of the developing children's TV program.
  3. Starting from his "Dao", he adopts the symbolic way of thinking to view the nature and literature, which finally constitutes his literary and artistic symbol system.
  4. The second phase, lasting from the post-war Reconstruction to the industrialization period, witnessed the central executive power expanding in its struggle against the legislative power, starting to become the symbol of the country and the concentrated representation of the national power.
  5. In this paper, this initial category division of the starting point to analyze the aesthetic value of the various symbols in the film. Next, I analyze the film structure class symbol in films in the application of specific performance.
  6. Simulation results show that signals 'starting symbol occupying different positions on subcarriers influence the BER performance of signals, and so IFDMA' starting symbol occupying the first subcarrier has the best performane.
  7. The simulation results show that: ( 1) in the timing synchronization algorithm, based on OFDM delay correlation algorithm can accurately locate the starting point of a symbol.